ESS2 Bicycle/Pedestrian Accomodations
Project Update January 2024
As the design to the bicycle and pedestrian accommodations has progressed, adjustments have been made to the pedestrian and bicycle marking layout. The updated layout for East Shore Section 2 is presented in the figure below.
Project Update October 2019
Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations are continuing to be refined as the project progresses through preliminary engineering. PennDOT’s Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Tri-County Regional Planning Commission’s Regional Planner dealing with bicycles and pedestrians, the City of Harrisburg, and Swatara and Lower Paxton Townships all participated in coordination efforts.
As part of this coordination, standard signing and pavement markings were developed to assist bicyclists and motorists as they approach various intersections. Bicyclists have the choice to share the lane with motorist or remain on the shoulder. The figure below illustrates the standard situations.

Standard Bike Marking Detail (click to enlarge)
Both East Shore Section 2 and Section 3 Project teams used these standards to develop a preliminary layout of the local roadways, establishing consistency throughout both projects. The preliminary layout for Section 2 is presented in the figure below.
Project Update December 2018
We have received inquiries regarding bicycle and pedestrian movements along Derry Street through the area of the proposed Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI).
Both bicycle and pedestrian movements are a key component of improving the connections across I-83 and the railroad. This is discussed on the I-83 Sections 2 and 3 General Overview Video and presented on the Recommended Preferred Alternative display boards from the [Public Open House]( This was a common discussion point at most of the stakeholder meetings held over the past two years and confirmed Project Need #4 for both projects: Existing Local Roadway Network Impedes North/South Mobility.
East Shore Section 2: The existing local roadway network impedes north/south mobility, both east and west of the Eisenhower Interchange. Bridge restrictions and traffic congestion on existing local connections inhibits access for emergency services, transit, and school buses, as well as the general traveling public.
East Shore Section 3: The existing regional and local roadway network impedes north/south mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely access adjacent communities within the project corridor.
At this time the preliminary engineering phase has developed a Recommended Preferred Alternative for the various roadway and structure alignments including the I-83 mainline and ramps, along with intersecting and crossing roadways. As we continue to advance preliminary engineering and then into final design, further details will be developed regarding all the various design elements such as determining both sidewalk and shoulder widths including bicycle and pedestrian facilities. PennDOT will continue to coordinate and outreach with stakeholders as the design process continues over the next several years.
One element of the Recommended Preferred Alternative in East Shore Section 2 that may be unfamiliar is the Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) proposed along Derry Street. Below is an informative video developed by the Virginia Department of Transportation on how motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists interact at this type of intersection. The concept presented in the video will be the starting model for the layout of the Derry Street SPUI as preliminary design continues.