I-83 East Shore Section 3
The I-83 East Shore Section 3 project is located west of the Eisenhower Interchange near 29th Street to the Susquehanna River. The proposed improvements include widening the mainline I-83 corridor to three mainline lanes in each direction with additional lanes providing access to upgraded interchanges via a collector-distributor roadway.
Project History
PennDOT selected Harrisburg-based HNTB Corporation to perform preliminary engineering and environmental studies for the I-83 East Shore Section 3 project. These studies include conducting environmental field investigations, reviewing traffic modeling, and evaluating alignment and interchange options.
In 2016, existing traffic data was collected via helicopter using time-lapse aerial photography. This data was then used to build a traffic model to provide the designers information to determine the number of lanes needed on I-83, as well as the breakdown of the type of travel I-83 is being used for (regional vs. local to the Harrisburg area). The traffic data collected for the project showed that approximately half of the traffic using the I-83 corridor is traveling local to the Harrisburg area and not just passing through. Approximately half of the traffic using the I-83 corridor from the south (York area and West Shore) is exiting I-83 to head into Harrisburg, and approximately 40% of traffic from the north (Hershey and Lancaster areas) is local traffic exiting I-83 to head into Harrisburg. This is a very large percentage of traffic that is considered local and not traveling from one end of I-83 to the other. The traffic model was used as a foundation for the development and evaluation of project alternatives which addressed the regional and local project needs.
Survey crews collected isolated data on site to supplement the aerial mapping throughout the project process. This information will provide designers with details on the existing roadway to help develop the proposed improvements.
Preliminary environmental information and a scoping field view was completed in 2017 as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The scoping field view included Federal Highway Administration staff, PennDOT staff, and PennDOT’s consultants from various disciplines and focused on highway, traffic, structures, environmental, hazardous waste, and cultural resources. The team discussed the location and potential impacts on resources, which resulted in FHWA making a recommendation of the type of environmental document/analysis, and the project team agreed on further studies to pursue in preliminary design.

Collecting environmental data is an important step during preliminary design.
Environmental field investigations were conducted to identify resources such as streams, wetlands, public parks and other community resources, historic properties, archaeological resources, and potential waste sites throughout the project area. Noise monitoring was also conducted throughout the project area. Similar to traffic data, the noise monitoring data was used to model changes in predicted noise levels that assisted in identifying if noise walls will be considered.
During the environmental investigations and alternative development, various stakeholder meetings were conducted. Designers developed an alternative to improve the highway and address the transportation needs to improve traffic flow and safety, replace aging infrastructure and design, and improve access for pedestrians and bicyclist which was a newly identified need within the I-83 corridor. In addition, the Recommended Preferred Alternative and environmental features were presented at a [public meeting](https://www.i-83beltway.com/section-3-display-boards.php) in October 2018. Further stakeholder and public input was received and considered in the environmental document.
On October 2, 2019, the Federal Highway Administration approved the environmental document, a Categorical Exclusion, for the I-83 East Shore Section 3 project. The environmental document identified the Selected Alternative, addressed potential environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts of the proposed project, and documented how FHWA and PennDOT will avoid, minimize or mitigate any impacts. It also identified proposed improvements associated with the project that could enhance or provide benefits to the community. The official approved environmental document is located in the PennDOT CE Expert System, use this link to download the Categorical Exclusion PDF. For any questions on the environmental document or any of the preliminary engineering activities, please contact the PennDOT Senior Project Manager, John M. Bachman, at jobachman@pa.gov or 717-783-4519.
November 2019 Update
As we transition from preliminary engineering into final design, we continue to look at opportunities to further minimize right of way impacts. We wanted to share some revisions that have been incorporated into the design.
The Paxton Street realignment has been shifted to follow a southern alignment which falls within areas proposed to be affected by other requirements of the project. This eliminates or reduces impacts to several properties on the northern side of Paxton Street to the west of I-83.
In conjunction with a separate study prepared for Paxton Street, the existing pavement markings between 13th Street and 20th Street will be converted from a four-lane section with no exclusive turn lanes to single lanes in each direction with a continuous center left turn lane with a dedicated left turn lane at intersections. This will also provide new six-foot shoulders on both sides of Paxton Street for bicyclists. This is similar to the existing Paxton Street configuration east of 20th Street.
The ramps at the 19th Street Interchange have been pulled closer to northbound I-83 to minimize impacts to buildings and property on the southern side of the Interstate corridor.**
To find out more about NEPA and environmental investigations conducted during preliminary engineering – please visit PennDOT’s Environmental Policy and Development Section website.
February 2020 Update
Over the past few weeks, the City of Harrisburg and PennDOT District 8 have met several times to discuss and further develop enhancements and refinements to the pedestrian and bicycle accommodations for the I-83 cross streets along 13th Street, 17th Street, 19th Street and Paxton Street from 13th to 17th Streets. View the Bicylce/Pedestrian typicals. These typical sections replace those from the October 2019 update.
Right of Way contacts are beginning the week of February 24, 2020 with property parcels involving a relocation associated with SR 0083-079 Dauphin, East Shore Section 3.
Phase II and III Environmental Site Assessment field work will begin in March.
Final design is now underway for the Selected Alternative where efforts will continue to further minimize right-of-way impacts associated with the engineering design. In addition, stakeholder meetings will also continue to occur. Opportunities for input on aesthetic treatments and other project features will be coordinated with stakeholders over the course of the project. Due to the size of the project, three construction contracts are anticipated to complete the overall project construction. Once the sequencing of the contracts is established, a detailed schedule for obtaining environmental permits, acquiring necessary right-of-way, and relocating utilities will be established. Actual mainline construction could start as soon as 2022.
February 2021 Update
The Final Design Noise Report for the I-83 East Shore Section 3 project was completed and approved. The noise analysis determined that the neighborhood east of 19th Street warranted noise mitigation and a barrier system was found to be feasible and reasonable. A virtual noise meeting was held for that neighborhood on November 24, 2020, where the residents were provided with information on noise study guidance, the noise analysis process, and the noise abatement results. The meeting ended with an overview of the noise wall voting process and an open discussion from the residents on their concurrence for a noise wall including color and texture of the residential side of the noise wall. The final voting resulted in 100% approval to advance a noise wall for their neighborhood. While the voting provided mixed results for the barrier aesthetic treatments, a majority of the ballots identified the gray color and the ashlar stone texture as their preferences. PennDOT will be advancing the noise wall design for this neighborhood accordingly. View the noise wall location map to see the preferred wall selected through the voting process.
Highway lighting renderings were prepared for the project in the area of 13th Street (as an example) to show how lighting will be incorporated into the project. View the highway lighting renderings.
November 2022 Update
Concurrent with final design of the I-83 East Shore Section 3 Project, the Greater Harrisburg Area Susquehanna River Bridge Master Plan was completed which evaluated the structural condition of the South Bridge and four other Susquehanna River bridge crossings. It was determined that the South Bridge needed to advance as an independent project and include the portion of I-83 East Shore Section 3 between the River and Cameron Street including the Front Street/2nd Street interchange. View the I-83 South Bridge Project. As a result, the I-83 East Shore Section 3 Project limits were reduced and now only includes the area from Cameron Street to just east of 29th Street, see figure below.
The approved October 2019 Categorical Exclusion Evaluation (CEE) document for I-83 East Shore Section 3, along with all associated technical documents, were updated to reflect the shortening of the Logical Termini and other design updates which have been publicly shared through the project website. During this process, it was found that the current project would not have substantial new environmental impacts beyond what was previously presented in the CEE. While it was originally anticipated that the environmental clearance would remain a CEE level document, based on new guidance from the U. S. Department of Transportation, FHWA and PennDOT determined that an Environmental Assessment (EA) is now an appropriate class of action to document the project. As a result, the SR 0083, Section 079 EA builds upon the approved 2019 CEE and associated technical documents in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and current federal guidance.
The EA is now (11/18/2022) available for public review on this website. Written comments concerning the EA must be received by 5:00 PM EST on Tuesday, December 20, 2022.
March 2023 Update
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the SR 0083, Section 079 Widening and Reconstruction Project. This determination is based on the Environmental Assessment (EA) document (November 2022), the supporting technical reports (as listed in the FONSI), review of the comments received during the EA availability period and the responses to those comments, and the mitigation commitments included in the EA and the FONSI.
FHWA approved the EA for public availability on November 17, 2022. On November 18, 2022, PennDOT conducted the following outreach efforts to announce the EA document availability and the availability to request a Public Hearing:
- Notification to federal, state and local public officials, and to Native American Tribal Nations
- Announcement via a PennDOT press release, Newswires EIN, and various social media outlets
- Email notification to those who had subscribed to receive updates via the project website
- Fliers (in both English and Spanish) posted at 19 locations throughout the project area including restaurants, stores, businesses, and municipal offices
- Email notification to all families with children who attend the Foose School in Harrisburg
Advertisement in the Patriot-News and Pennlive.com (online version of the Patriot News) also occurred.
The EA public comment period, and the opportunity to request a Public Hearing officially began on November 21, 2022 and ended on December 23, 2022, with requests for a public hearing due by December 5, 2022. During the comment period, in addition to the EA being available on the project website www.i-83 beltway.com, hard copies of the EA were available for public review, during regular business hours, at PennDOT’s Central Office and the Federal Highway Administration Office, in Harrisburg. Hard copies of the EA were also made available for public review at the following locations:
- Paxtang Borough Municipal Building
- Swatara Township Municipal Building
- Kline Library
- McCormick Riverfront Library
No requests for a formal Public Hearing were received; therefore, a public hearing was not conducted for the SR 0083, Section 079 Widening and Reconstruction Project.
All comments received during the comment period have been reviewed and addressed and are included as a part of the FONSI Package. FHWA issued the FONSI on March 2, 2023. The FHWA approval of the FONSI and overall FONSI Package, are available through the links at the upper right.
The first of the two construction contracts is planned to be bid in the Summer of 2023, and construction will begin later in the Fall of 2023. Please see attached Sequence of Construction Contracts here for more details.
October 2023 Update
In August 2023, PennDOT opened bids for Contract 1 of East Shore Section 3. Notice to proceed was given to the contractor in October of 2023 with construction estimated to be completed in 2027. Contract 1 includes widening of portions of the I-83 roadway, construction of two overhead bridges (29th Street and 19th Street), construction of the new Cameron Street Interchange, and roadway improvements along the Cameron Street, 19th Street and 29th Street corridors.
Demolition of structures that were acquired by the Department is complete.
Current Project Status, January 2024 Update
As the design to the bicycle and pedestrian accommodations has progressed, adjustments have been made to the pedestrian and bicycle marking layout. Please click here to view the East Shore Section 3 Ped & Bike Marking Layout figure.